Rhynie, Aberdeenshire

Rhynie, Aberdeenshire
The Craw Stane with Tap o'Noth hillfort in the background (Photo courtesy of Cathy MacIver).

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Beginning to dig into features

Before the update... a beauty shot from Oskar's drone. A few days old but gives you the idea!

Hopefully you can see the annexe to the main triple enclosure ( and look at those lovely palisade postholes inside the palisade slot...).

Today was very productive with most of the site now having gone through its first trowel clean.  Lots more features emerging including arcs of postholes within the annexe.   Nothing forming definite structures as of yet, but we will know more when the plan is finalised and we can get a good overview. We are beginning to look into some of our key features to answer some big questions. Over the inner ditch we are attempting to confirm its phasing and find material in the lower fills for dating.  With the outer ditch we have to tease out its relationship to the annexe.

Morale is good after yesterday's rain.  Gordon stuck a bucket on his head, we ate cake and far too many strawberry laces and had our first head-scratcher finds.  One of these is a little stack of 4 coins - they don't look particularly old (alas!) at initial viewing, which came out of the topsoil.  Likely the contents of someone's pocket a few generations back.  The other was a lovely piece of pottery - a pedestal type base with fluted edges or finger notches.  We are not familiar with this (so have sent photos to the findsmaster).  It doesn't look like our imported pottery.

- Meggen

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